One of the noblest and most tormented cosmic entities in the universe, the Silver Surfer treasures freedom above all else, but has often sacrificed his liberty for the greater good.

The Power Cosmic grants him strength greater than the Incredible Hulk‘s. His new body could survive in the vacuum of space. The Surfer’s thoughts molded his appearance.

Galactus granted the Silver Surfer a fraction of his Power Cosmic. His look is an actual representation of Norrin’s greatest superhero idol and inspiration. He always wanted to explore the final frontier. Radd had grown up reading about fictional heroes as a kid. Galactus actually dived into Norrin’s mind and had a look at his servant’s memories. Radd spent a lot of time searching for lifeless planets full of energy for Galactus to devour. In exchange for sparing his planet, Norrin will become his cosmic servant and look for planets for his master to devour. When Galactus came to gobble up his world, Norrin struck a deal with the Devourer of Worlds. The Silver Surfer was originally a normal person living a quiet life in the peaceful world of Zenn-La.